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Your Best Birth!
1. Introduction & What to Expect In This Course
Welcome and Introduction (6:06)
BONUS - Dads and Birth Partners: Childbirth Education is for YOU!
The Importance of Childbirth Education for Dads and Birth Partners - From Real Dads (12:05)
2. Birth Terms & Anatomy
A - Intro to Birth Terms - Pelvis, Posterior Presentation, Amniotic Sac "bag of waters" (15:59)
B - Birth Terms - Cervix, Effacement, Dilation, Station (7:27)
C - Braxton Hicks Contractions, Birth Terms Recap (4:46)
Birth Terms Quiz
3. Labor & Delivery
A - Introduction to Stages & Phases of Labor (20:37)
B - Stages and Phases of Labor, Early Labor, Labor Coping Strategies (17:16)
C - Timing Contractions, Active Labor (11:58)
D - Active Labor (7:28)
E - Transition, Labor Recap (6:13)
Labor Quiz
4. Birth Hormones
A - Adrenaline, Oxytocin, Endorphins (9:54)
Birth Hormones Quiz
5. Pain Meds and Induction
A - Physiological Birth, Natural Preparations (15:38)
B - Methods for Induction (13:05)
C - Policies and Procedures, Analgesics (8:56)
D - Anesthetics, Recap (18:34)
BONUS - Conversation with Acupuncturist Stephani Gianarelli
What is Acupuncture? (28:22)
6. Comfort Measures
A - Introduction to Comfort Measures, Breathing Techniques (12:24)
B - Paced Breathing, Slow Dance, Squats (11:54)
C - Squats, Lunges, Birth Ball Positions, Comfort Measures (14:29)
D - Pelvic Tilts, Pushing, Recap (15:18)
7. BONUS: A Conversation with Midwife Michele Augur
What is midwifery care like? (31:36)
8. What is a Doula?
What is a Doula? (5:25)
9. Course Recap
Course Recap (2:37)
A - Introduction to Stages & Phases of Labor
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